GEC Instruments
Precision Temperature and Humidity Instrumentation
Customer Focus
Vinh Cao
Research Assistant
Department of Biological Sciences
Stanford University
Palo Alto, California

"We purchased two Model S4TC precision thermocouple scanners from GEC Instruments in August 2007, and we are using these instruments to measure core body temperatures in research on human subjects using esophageal thermocouple probes. 

We asked GEC to add a precision stable thermistor probe to each instrument, which we use to calibrate our existing thermocouple probes to very high accuracy.  The thing I like most about the instrument is its excellent stability.  And the software is very intuitive and easy to use."

Stanford University Department of Biological Sciences

GEC Instruments is located in Gainesville, Florida, USA and can be reached
by calling 352-373-7955 or Email

©2014 GEC Instruments Gainesville Florida USA

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