GEC Instruments
Precision Temperature and Humidity Instrumentation
Customer Focus
Ranjit Darke
Mechanical Engineer
Honeywell Aerospace
Torrance, California

"We ordered a Model S56TC1TH instrument from GEC Instruments in Gainesville, Florida because it was the only source that we could find for an instrument that met our specifications for high accuracy temperature measurements with thermocouples.

The next highest bid was for an RTD based system at twice the cost, and the RTD system did not meet the accuracy specifications for our application nor did the RTD system meet our requirements for a small "point" sensor to measure temperatures at multiple locations in a very thin space within an experimental heat exchanger.

This custom unit from GEC Instruments has 56 type T thermocouple inputs and 56 each 1/16" diameter stainless steel thermocouple probes with 40' extension cables. And we ordered a single thermistor probe with NIST traceable calibration for use in precision measurements, as well as for calibrating our thermocouple probes in the future.

The instrument and thermocouples were calibrated together at GEC Instruments with an NIST traceable calibration prior to shipment, to provide an initial measurement accuracy of 0.04 °C or better at all points within the range of 0 to 50 °C. The initial calibration accuracy on the thermistor probe is 0.003 °C or better at all points between 0 and 50 °C.

We like this instrument very much and we are getting excellent results in our measurements." 

Honeywell Aerospace

GEC Instruments is located in Gainesville, Florida, USA and can be reached
by calling 352-373-7955 or Email

©2014 GEC Instruments Gainesville Florida USA

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